Thursday, April 30, 2009

March 24

Stop Stealing Sheep

Type is important to everyone. And it is only noticed when it is bad.

Why type has formed the way it has, and what might happen to it in the future as our culture changes.

Talks about the emotions of type, and how particular typefaces are better suited for certain things.

Talks more about the characteristics of typefaces, which is appropriate for what occasion. What emotions are brought out in people by typefaces that look a certain way.

The small differences in typefaces play a role in how the printed material will look.

The different categories and groupings of type, and why they were created.

A sum up of how to correctly use typefaces, the rules to follow, and how to make good layouts.

When and how to use particular layouts. As well as where some type is appropriate and where is should not be put.

How trends affect what type is popular and okay to use. How typefaces come back and can be revived. Type is never bad, it just needs to be used in a different way.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Newest Version

Basically done, I just need to work on some of the details.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

March 10

Animated typography is used to create feelings or environments that printed stagnant type would have difficulty doing.
Its funny how without sounds a lot of the videos seem really chaotic and fast, they dont communicate very well. But when your brain can process the audio along with the visual, it is easier to follow the words. The best movies have a consistent style and variation of typefaces according to what is being said and how.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

March 3

The McCoy essay connected with me in the way that she brought up the reactions to minimalism and rules. I also subscribe to the idea of oder and cleanliness, though it happened somewhat naturally. It seems that most of my works just end up being simple and orderly, following the rules and not just adding elements to a page unless I think it actually has a meaning or purpose. Though, I do understand that sometimes the purpose is to be messy and create chaos; I guess I just haven't come across that situation very often. I do wish I could incorporate more free flowing style into my works. More “ugly” with a purpose.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Feb 24

Being able to communicate with text only is something that in turn will make finding visuals easier. You must be able to vocalize your thoughts and describe them to your audience. This will help your organize your thought process and follow the train of thought away from the same visuals that you keep running into in your head. Being able to communicate with an audience verbally or with text will make the visuals stronger.